The best relationship advice I ever got from my best friend
My best friend is so sexy without trying to be. She has a natural flirtatious way of just being which I highly, highly admire because she just is that way without even trying. She oozes sensuality without being vulgar, and I think it’s because she just enjoys being a woman and her feminine confidence makes her super attractive. I admire this trait so much because I’m someone who doesn’t feel comfortable with being seen as sexy in any way (at least in public 😉) Being short and always being called cute, that’s what I’m comfortable with. Some of the best piece of relationship advice I’ve ever gotten is from my bestie! Here, check it out-
The best floss for people who enjoy flossing
I know this only applies to very few people, BUT I have met other flossing enthusiasts so I know I’m not alone! I’m one of those crazy people dentists love. I cannot fall asleep at night without brushing and flossing my teeth and I enjoy flossing. I used to find unwaxed floss at stores, but it is getting harder and harder to find this variety. See, the problem with waxed floss is that it doesn’t get everything. It’s like rubbing two plastic bags together-there is no friction. You need friction to get gunk out of your teeth. Since it’s nearly impossible to find unwaxed (more friction!) floss at your local grocery store or Target, I’ve started buying my floss online. Dr Tung’s is my favorite! It stretches! It tastes great! It also isn’t smooth and really has that rope like friction you don’t get from regular store waxed floss. If you try it, let me know what you think!
Dry Conditioner-It’s a thing!
Dry shampoos have been around for a while, but did you know that there is dry conditioner!!!??? Dry shampoos are for oily scalps, while dry conditioners are for the lengths of hair or to get out any food or other smells. Great for the ladies or guys! I know my brother hates the smell of food on his clothes or hair. This fixes that. This one is also acne safe for anyone who has acne prone skin. I check all my products for pore clogging ingredients using this list by Emme Diane, a esthetician that specializes in acne prone skin. It has seriously changed my skin just making sure all my skin and hair products don’t contain any of those acne causing ingredients. I say skin and hair because nobody wants bacne or scalp acne either!
Anyways, just some random fun things I’m loving! I hope you have a great weekend. I woke up super early this morning and reminded myself that it’s a treat to wake up early, because I am a morning person. I also sat in a sticky dining room seat and a propped my elbow on a sticky dining room table, but that’s what comes with two boys. It’s a sticky, maple syrupy kind of season, and I’m here for it. Have a great weekend!
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