My husband is the biggest prankster, so I cannot take credit for these cool pranks. He is known for coming home with treats for our two boys, sometimes in the form of candy, other times in the form of fun pranks. These three are our favorites. They are small enough for a kid to take to school, but don’t get me in trouble with your school! Send them in your kid’s backpack at your own discretion! We go to a school that is non-traditional, and I’m there the whole time so I can make sure the pranks don’t get out of hand.
The reason why I love these little prank toys is because my two boys tend to be on the shyer side, and these toys really make them interact with other kids. They suddenly and effortlessly have the attention of all the kids on the playground in a fun way! There’s nothing like going up to a new kid and showing them the prank, the prank makes the kid jump and laugh, and now the new kid wants to do it to someone else, and then it just moves through the entire playground. So fun!
Snake coming out of chips container
They ask a kid, “Want some chips?” The kid says, “Sure!” They open up the chips and a springy snake flies out! Reusable! Get it here.
Snake slithering after someone
This prank requires some stealth movements. You have to sneak in and clip the string to someone’s shirt or pants. When they move, the snake will be following them! The string is clear so they won’t see it. This one’s a hoot!
Spider jumping out of box
They ask a kid, “Do you want some candy?” Of course the kid will say yes. The kid will slide the box cover open and a rubber spider will almost jump on their hand! I love how this one is so compact! You can get it here.
Honorable mention- fake poop!
We love bringing fake poop when we go camping with other friends. You wake up early and put poop right in front of your friends’ tent. Then you hide back in your own tent and watch and try not to giggle too loudly while you video tape the whole thing. When your friends wake up they will be wondering if there was a wild animal near their tent. Where else would this poop come from? It’s a hoot! You can get this fake poop here.
Do you have any favorite prank toys? We are always excited to add to our collection!
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